Julia Fountain ND NCMP There’s considerable variation in the nutrition composition of milk alternatives. It’s udder-ly confusing. What are you wanting from your milk?  Are you relying on milk as a calcium source? To boost protein in your diet? Or just purely as a way to add flavour to your smoothie, texture to your coffee…


Are you a clinician and passionate advocate of health and wellness and want to work where others are the same? Contact us with a CV and cover letter outlining your areas of training, expertise and space/schedule needs!  


Oh boy…the soy conversation. There’s no food that has sparked so much debate, hate or confusion. Soy contains plant compounds, isoflavones (genistein and daidzein), that look structurally similar to estradiol. But they’re not estrogen. They’re called phytoestrogens and they’re also found in other foods and plants including flaxseeds and red clover. How do phytoestrogens work?…


Julia Fountain ND, NCMP Menopause Hormone Therapy (MHT) refers to hormones (estrogen and/or progesterone) prescribed to women to help alleviate symptoms associated with peri- and post-menopause. The decision to use hormone therapy is dependent on assessing risk vs benefit. There is shared decision making between a woman and her prescribing clinician (MD, ND or Nurse…


Julia Fountain ND NCMP Perimenopause can feel like a runaway train. What if I told you there was a course you could take that would allow you to enter and experience perimenopause and midlife with eyes wide open, knowing your options, knowing how to find relief, and not feel alone with google trying to figure…