Animated hover CSS3 effects for images
This code allows you to display an image and its description with animated CSS3 effect.
Note: If you would like to add your own text into the image description, just modify the shortcode below or edit an existing code of the demo template.
Example 1
[first_box imagebg="" link="#link" firsttitle="CHECK OUR" secondtitle="NEW OFFER!"]
Example 2
[second_box imagebg="" link="#link" firsttitle="CHECK OUR" secondtitle="NEW OFFER!"]
Example 3
[third_box imagebg="" link="#link" firsttitle="CHECK OUR" secondtitle="NEW OFFER!"]
Example 4
[video_box imagebg="" alt="Animated Video box" link="#link" title="Watch the video"]
PE Light Box
[row][col size="4" ][box style="light" icon="icon2" link="/services/" imgsrc="/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/box1.jpg" alt="Leading Article" subtitle="Our" title="Services" price="Price from $15 to $150"][/col][col size="4" ][box style="light" icon="icon1" link="/register/" imgsrc="/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/box2.jpg" alt="Join our gym" subtitle="Join Our" title="Gym" price="Price from $8 to $230"][/col][col size="4"][box style="light" icon="icon3" link="/gallery/" imgsrc="/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/box3.jpg" alt="Watch video" subtitle="Watch" title="Video" price="For free"][/col][/row]
PE Dark Box
[row][col size="4" ][box style="dark" link="#" imgsrc="/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/welcome.jpg" alt="Welcome" title="Welcome" text="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus varius nisl odio. Pellentesque hendrerit pulvinar tincidunt."][/col][/row]
Testimonial right
[testimonial class="right" title="bill gates" subtitle="famous visionary"] Your custom text here [/testimonial]
Testimonial default
[testimonial title="steven tyler" subtitle="famous singer"] Your custom text here [/testimonial]
Video Gallery Shortcode
[row][pe_video id="JVyoKIXkrl0" web="youtube" fs="0" size="4"][pe_video id="74195893" web="vimeo" fs="0" size="4"][pe_video id="ixduuC4fH3E" web="youtube" fs="0" size="4"][/row] [row][pe_video id="IznjbCJskug" web="youtube" fs="0" size="6"][pe_video id="73847928" web="vimeo" fs="0" size="6"][/row]
Image Gallery Shortcode
[gallery pe_image_modal="enable" size="full" columns="4" ids="1022,984,986,996,992,970,1028,976" orderby="rand"]
Accordion Shortcode
This shortcode allows you to display bootstrap accordion inside posts or widgets.
Note: Remember to always set the accordion title, and if you want that one of the accordions to be open on page load then enter the active attribute to “1”.
[accordion] [accordion_content title="Accordion 1" active="1"] Some text here that will be included in accordion [/accordion_content] [accordion_content title="Accordion 2" active="1"] Some text here that will be included in accordion [/accordion_content] [accordion_content title="Accordion 3" active="1"] Some text here that will be included in accordion [/accordion_content] [/accordion]
Tabs Shortcode
This shortcode allows you to display bootstrap tabs inside posts or widgets.
Note: Remember to always set the tab title, and if you want than one of the tabs to be open on page load then enter the status attribute to “active”.
[tabs] [tab title="Tab Name 1" status="active"] Some text here that will be included in tab content [/tab] [tab title="Tab Name 2"] Some text here that will be included in tab content [/tab] [tab title="Tab Name 3"] Some text here that will be included in tab content [/tab] [/tabs]
Columns Shortcode
This shortcode allows you to display bootstrap columns inside posts or widgets.
Note: It is needed to use the col short inside row shortcode. As well you can choose class suffix for different screens by using screen attribute, default is “md”.
[row] [col size="4" screen="sm"] Some content here, other shortcodes can be included [/col] [col size="4" screen="sm"] Some content here, other shortcodes can be included [/col] [col size="4" screen="sm"] Some content here, other shortcodes can be included [/col] [/row]
Phasellus vulputate ac dui aliquet dapibus. Suspendisse ut vestibulum tellus, sed gravida arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec sit amet eleifend tortor.
Phasellus vulputate ac dui aliquet dapibus. Suspendisse ut vestibulum tellus, sed gravida arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec sit amet eleifend tortor.
Phasellus vulputate ac dui aliquet dapibus. Suspendisse ut vestibulum tellus, sed gravida arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec sit amet eleifend tortor.
Phasellus vulputate ac dui aliquet dapibus. Suspendisse ut vestibulum tellus, sed gravida arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec sit amet eleifend tortor.
Phasellus vulputate ac dui aliquet dapibus. Suspendisse ut vestibulum tellus, sed gravida arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec sit amet eleifend tortor.
Phasellus vulputate ac dui aliquet dapibus. Suspendisse ut vestibulum tellus, sed gravida arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec sit amet eleifend tortor.
Phasellus vulputate ac dui aliquet dapibus. Suspendisse ut vestibulum tellus, sed gravida arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec sit amet eleifend tortor.
Phasellus vulputate ac dui aliquet dapibus. Suspendisse ut vestibulum tellus, sed gravida arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec sit amet eleifend tortor.
Phasellus vulputate ac dui aliquet dapibus. Suspendisse ut vestibulum tellus, sed gravida arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec sit amet eleifend tortor.
Pricing Table Shortcode
This shortcode allows you to display Pricing Table.
[pricing_table title="Hair Styling" size="33%"][service_item service_title="Lorem ipsum dolor" service_price="$39"][service_item service_title="Donec lobortis quam" service_price="$45"][service_item service_title="Pellentesque habitant" service_price="$68"][service_item service_title="In a facilisis augue" service_price="$28"][service_item service_title="Aenean et placerat erat" service_price="$55"][service_item service_title="Nam neque massa" service_price="$78"][/pricing_table][pricing_table title="Massage" size="33%"][service_item service_title="Lorem ipsum dolor" service_price="$39"][service_item service_title="Donec lobortis quam" service_price="$45"][service_item service_title="Pellentesque habitant" service_price="$68"][service_item service_title="In a facilisis augue" service_price="$28"][service_item service_title="Aenean et placerat erat" service_price="$55"][service_item service_title="Nam neque massa" service_price="$78"][/pricing_table][pricing_table title="Nail care" size="33%"][service_item service_title="Lorem ipsum dolor" service_price="$39"][service_item service_title="Donec lobortis quam" service_price="$45"][service_item service_title="Pellentesque habitant" service_price="$68"][service_item service_title="In a facilisis augue" service_price="$28"][service_item service_title="Aenean et placerat erat" service_price="$55"][service_item service_title="Nam neque massa" service_price="$78"][/pricing_table]
Hair Styling | |
Lorem ipsum dolor | $39 |
Donec lobortis quam | $45 |
Pellentesque habitant | $68 |
In a facilisis augue | $28 |
Aenean et placerat erat | $55 |
Nam neque massa | $78 |
Massage | |
Lorem ipsum dolor | $39 |
Donec lobortis quam | $45 |
Pellentesque habitant | $68 |
In a facilisis augue | $28 |
Aenean et placerat erat | $55 |
Nam neque massa | $78 |
Nail care | |
Lorem ipsum dolor | $39 |
Donec lobortis quam | $45 |
Pellentesque habitant | $68 |
In a facilisis augue | $28 |
Aenean et placerat erat | $55 |
Nam neque massa | $78 |