If you find yourself challenged by the daily grind of balancing healthy food choices with picky palates you’re not alone.  An estimated 40% of households claim to have at least 1 ‘picky eater’ in their midst.  Which begs the question – is picky eating hereditary or habit?  It appears it be both.  Some estimates claim…


Intermittent Fasting, Autophagy, and Why It May be OK to Skip Breakfast The theory of ‘thrifty genes’ states that periods of food abundance fluctuating with periods of food scarcity are required for optimal metabolic function.  When we limit our food consumption to only 8 hours per day, this leaves 16 hours to hydrate, digest, renew,…


I have some health issues that affect my quality of life yet I’ve had numerous medical tests done and they come back “normal”.   How can a Naturopathic Doctor help?   Most medical conditions don’t happen overnight.  There is often a period of dysfunction – months, years, or decades – where symptoms can impinge on your…


While it may seem out of place to be talking about depression in the holiday season, mental health issues don’t take holidays.  Depression is categorized into mild, moderate, severe.  This article will focus on mild to moderate depression. Depression is known as the great imposter.  It can masquerade as feeling tired, lazy, overwhelmed.  It can…


A Swedish study in the Journal Pediatrics in 2015 found that children from households that hand-washed dishes were at a lower risk of allergic disease (asthma, eczema, atopy) than those children who grew up in households with dishwasher appliances. The risk of allergy was further reduced in those children who consumed fermented foods and if…