March 12 2020 Dear Clients, In light of the on-going COVID-19 outbreak, we want to inform you that along with additional robust cleaning and sanitation of all treatment rooms and common areas, we have a strict screening process for those attending the clinic. We request that you not attend the clinic if you: -are experiencing…


There are so many options when it comes to choosing a pillow.  After all, the right pillow could be the reason your quality of sleep improves!  A number of factors should be considered when making a choice for what you rest your head on.  Here are some suggestions….. For back sleepers: There should be enough…


In a recent collaborative study between Global News, The Toronto Star, the Ryerson School of Journalism and Concordia University’s Institute of Investigative Journalism, 30% of Ontario schools and daycares were found to have at least 1 water sample above Health Canada’s maximum allowable lead threshold of 5 parts per billion (ppb). Locally, the highest levels…


Are you starting to stress? It’s hard not to get caught up in the hustle and bustle when everywhere you look is attracting your attention. Your decisions now, can affect your emotional health as well as your bottom line. How to get to January without that financial hangover and emotional angst? The earlier you can…


During the winter months, massage therapists get very busy. Holidays are often fun but stressful, traffic is terrible, and it feels like you’ll never finish shoveling snow. You might be familiar with the “fight or flight” sympathetic nervous system response to stress: your heart starts beating quickly, your eyes dilate, and your body turns its…